Describe Books Supposing مزرعة الحيوان

Original Title: Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
ISBN: 9953367280 (ISBN13: 9789953367286)
Edition Language: Arabic
Characters: Snowball, Napoleon, Clover, Boxer, Old Major, Muriel, Jones, Squealer, Moses the Raven, Benjamin
Setting: England United Kingdom
Literary Awards: Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (2011), Retro Hugo Award for Best Novella (1996)
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مزرعة الحيوان Paperback | Pages: 186 pages
Rating: 3.94 | 2584610 Users | 51987 Reviews

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كل أنحاء العالم.. طُبعت هذه الرواية الأشهر لكاتبها للمرة الأولى في عام 1945 .. وتحكى عن مجموعة من الحيوانات قررت القيام بثورة ضد مالك المزرعة لتحكم نفسها بنفسها وتتولى شئون حياتها. وهنا برع أورويل في أن يُجرى نوعًا من الحكمة السياسية الساخرة والممتعة على ألسنة الحيوانات، تكشف التناقض الحاد بين الشعارات الثورية وممارسات الحكام بعد الثورة، على خلفية نقده اللاذع للديكتاتور السوفيتي جوزيف ستالين.. لكنه يتجاوز ذلك أيضًا ليغوص بعيدًا في أعماق الحيوانات التي منها ــ وليس على رأسها ــ الإنسان. يعتبر جورج أورويل 1903-1950 من أهم الكُـتَّاب البريطانيين في القرن العشرين. ولد في الهند وعمل في بورما بالشرطة البريطانية، عاش فقرا مدقعًا في لندن وباريس، وتطوع عام 1936 ليحارب في صفوف الجمهوريين في إسبانيا ضد قوات فرانكو الفاشية، ثم عمل بهيئة الإذاعة البريطانية وكمحرر وصحفي حتى نهاية حياته. اهتم أورويل طوال حياته بالدفاع عن المظلومين والحق والديمقراطية ومحاربة الدكتاتورية والفقر والظلم. وكتب الشعر والمقال الصحفي والمذكرات والرواية. من أهم رواياته مزرعة الحيوانات و1984.

Identify Epithetical Books مزرعة الحيوان

Title:مزرعة الحيوان
Author:George Orwell
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 186 pages
Published:October 2006 by المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر (first published August 17th 1945)
Categories:Classics. Fiction. Science Fiction. Dystopia. Fantasy. Literature

Rating Epithetical Books مزرعة الحيوان
Ratings: 3.94 From 2584610 Users | 51987 Reviews

Notice Epithetical Books مزرعة الحيوان
I did NOT expect to love this like I did. I thought it would be one that I would be happy I read but didn't enjoy. Nope. I loved this book. Not only was the message clear and strong, but put in a disturbing way that'll stick with me. It was entertaining as a story alone but that ending packed a very real punch. Loved it.

Elucidation An extremely famous and popular book that carries a major political message. Essentially Animal Farm is a parody of communism from the Bolshevik revolution, to the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Beyond the obvious, we can see that this is a tale as relevant today as it was in the 1940s. After the Romanovs were removed, what actually changed for the average person? This is the incredible foresight George Orwell had when first publishing his book in 1945. We can package a

"I won't read again to this writer", that was my first impression to "ANIMAL FARM".George Orwell was recommend to me by his two most famous books:"ANIMAL FARM" and "1984", and I had started reading "ANIMAL FARM" first by chance. Then I though that Orwell, almost, hadn't have something to talk about in his other book; because he "has summarized up all what is happening in the occupied revolutions". Later, I knew that "1984" was about Dystopian world that occurs after ANIMAL FARM's world. and

George Orwell's Animal Farm is undeniably one of the best short novels ever written in the English language. It is a deceptively simple tale, which even older children could read. About an animal uprising, it is written in the style of a fable, and yet it can be read on so many levels. It is clearly both a satire and an allegory, a dystopian tale, and its author George Orwell made no secret of what regime, and which politicians, he was so mercilessly parodying. Yet as with all great novels, it

Peggy wrote: "Well done comrade!!"Thanks!

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.Those damn PIGS.I can't even.

This book is featured on Shabby Sunday @ read Animal Farm when I was in college and it was one of those reads where you think its going to be boring, but it turns out to be a favorite. Its an allegorical tale representing the Russian Revolution where the characters in the book represent people during this time.I wont go into the plot too much, but in a nutshell, this story is about a group of farm animals who rise up against the evil farmer who cares for