Declare Books To The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)

Original Title: The Magic of Recluce
ISBN: 0812505182 (ISBN13: 9780812505184)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: The Saga of Recluce #1, Recluce Zyklus #1, The Saga of Recluce (Chronological) , more
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The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 501 pages
Rating: 3.85 | 22395 Users | 632 Reviews

Describe About Books The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)

Title:The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)
Author:L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 501 pages
Published:May 15th 1992 by Tor Books (first published April 1991)
Categories:Fantasy. Fiction. Epic Fantasy. Magic. High Fantasy

Explanation Concering Books The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)

Young Lerris is dissatisfied with his life and trade, and yearns to find a place in the world better suited to his skills and temperament. But in Recluce a change in circumstances means taking one of two options: permanent exile from Recluce or the dangergeld, a complex, rule-laden wanderjahr in the lands beyond Recluce, with the aim of learning how the world works and what his place in it might be. Many do not survive. Lerris chooses dangergeld. When Lerris is sent into intensive training for his quest, it soon becomes clear that he has a natural talent for magic. And he will need magic in the lands beyond, where the power of the Chaos Wizards reigns unchecked. Though it goes against all of his instincts, Lerris must learn to use his powers in an orderly way before his wanderjahr, or fall prey to Chaos.

Rating About Books The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)
Ratings: 3.85 From 22395 Users | 632 Reviews

Write Up About Books The Magic of Recluce (The Saga of Recluce #1)
I first read this over 25 years ago & it hooked me on the Recluce series. It's the first published, but 17th in the chronology (C17, P01). It was a real journey of discovery that first time as Modesitt built the complicated world through Lerris' eyes, a young, disaffected man who was ignorant of so much. My one real issue with the book is how much he suddenly understood toward the end. I guess he's a lot smarter than I am.My favorite parts were the woodworking & the horse (large pony).

"The Magic of Recluce" is the first book in L.E. Modesitt's long-running "Recluce" saga. This series has grown to encompass 14 books.The denizens of Modesitt's world are all human beings. The magic system of this world is based on order and chaos. Chaos wizards enhance the chaos in people and things while order wizards enhance the order in people and things. Chaos is classified as an "evil" magic and order as a "good" magic. It's a pretty cool and logical system, although I was disappointed that

Usually in the field of high fantasy I choose recent works, but I like to look for the distant and the near past for corresponding works Phase difference have influenced The current writers. One of these works is this book, which starts a very large set of books that continues even nowadays, so we can say that it is at the same time recent.In this first book, therefore, we start from a utopian place where order and stability reign, tensions are non-existent and, in general, its inhabitants live

There are three reasons why I love The Magic of Recluce: 1) it's not like the Star Wars movies in one crucial way; 2) it is built around training rather than adventure; 3) woodworking.1) Not Star Wars: There is a line in Empire Strikes Back where Yoda says, "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, NEVER for attack." There is no equivocation in that. It is NEVER for attack. Pretty simple, I would think. Yet the movies are packed with our Jedis on the offensive, including Yoda in the

He posits an interesting world where Order (Black) & Chaos (White) are separate forces that can be manipulated by humans. Those who wield each, don't generally play well with those who use the opposing force. There is a balance, so both forces gain more play in the world as the other side becomes stronger. Some people are focuses of one or the other, too. It leads to interesting situations.The world is complex with very real politics, economics, & issues. That's what I like best about

Wow! This was such a great great book!I loved the writer style, such an unusual one, with a great deal of attention to the small details, with a conventional evolution of the story, a become of age, but in the same time, an unusual structure to it and not to speak of all the sounds that are described in this book. A delight to read!And another peculiar thing is the depiction of Good vs Evil not in the usual way, the black is the Order the white is the antagonist way, Disorder.The main hero

I liked this way better than I thought I would going in. I am always leery of Number 1 of 20 in a series. Do I want to start something like that? Yet, I really enjoyed this slow developing story of a young man in search of himself. A Magic System that is slowly revealed, as the main character learns more about what can and can not be done. Nice logic to the magic system, also nice that the magic has grey edges.Can work as a stand alone, but I am all set to go on to book two. A Nice Old School